What's new at Peppercorn HQ?!

Want to Be Featured in the Peppercorn Newsletter?

Every Peppercorn has a story, and I want to celebrate yours! Whether you’ve conquered your first solo hike, created something inspired by nature, or found mindfulness on the trail, this is your chance to shine!

Book a 1-on-1 Pep Talk with Pepper (That's me!)

Looking to grow your social media, plan outdoor adventures, or tackle mindset challenges? Book a 40-minute 1:1 coaching session with me and let’s create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals! 🎉

I'm a Blogger Now?!?

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I get to nerd out about all things hiking, backpacking, & nature!

Got something you want me to write about? Drop a comment!


Did you know that people who subscribe on YouTube become 72% cooler?

That's because everything's better with a little Pepper!

Haha get it because I'm Pepper... so it's like... well you get it.


You just found the fun zone.

Join my Patreon!

The FULL peppery-steppery experience! This is where the goin' gets great. Join for free, or become a Big Tree. The choice, well, that is up to thee.

Wait you scrolled this far?! WICKED!

Follow in my footsteps on Instagram, if you're cool.